Photo Restoration and Repair

Photo Enhancements can take your damaged photo, restoring it back to original condition

Photo Enhancement's photo and image restoration service can restore your damaged photos to original condition. We do minor photo repairs, through to major photographic restorations. Except in the worst of cases, Photo Enhancements can fix your damaged or torn photo, bringing it back to life. Virtually all damaged photos can benefit from the image restoration process.

I can repair and remove any tears and scratches, bringing your photo back to life

Direct sunlight, atmospheric conditions, mould, misuse, accidents, fly dirt, rips and tears, poor storage or water & flood damage are some of the ways a photo can degrade and be lost forever. Your photo is scanned onto computer then closely examined. From here the photo repair, rebuilding and image restoration process is carefully completed. Any evidence of damage is removed.

Taking a damaged photo I can remove marks and stains, scatches, fix faded areas, and restore colour

For more restoration examples see our Examples/Blog section.

Photo Enhancements fixes ripped and torn photos back to original condition